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lunedì 2 marzo 2009

classification and superficiality

It has never been too productive, in my opinion, the mania to classify persons at all costs. I think there is too much superficiality in classifying a person simply by status role (rich and powerful, the great mass, etc) or according to the task performed in the company (the manager, the baker, the Macellaro, the bank etc.) or alleged political reasons (to the left or right with what, then, can mean in our day) as if the man did not have many other facets and in particular much more richness, but also the possibility of social redemption. 

   Sometimes, however, the classification can be very handy to always promote the same people who do not or never wrong, their mistakes, they have one thousand reasons, and roofing and ignore other people who are always forgotten or, if trying to act, are thousands of obstacles or the most absolute indifference. 

     The mania for classification at all costs and are very superficial, in my opinion, some of the most important causes of economic crisis and values that we are living. 

    Is it not due to superficial classification of risks if the famous "derivatives" and "toxic securities" have multiplied in the world and blame bad manager (chosen quantmeno with superficiliatà) if the economic system gives many signs of imbalance? 

    In fact there is now some hope for more if the television talk shows are starting to talk about meritocracy.

H.M productions- Int. Site of Montagnola "uavis Locus Ille"

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