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mercoledì 15 aprile 2009

My book of all time

"Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire" 

The book that deserves council this month, for my part, especially a record. Its author was my priest for ever: I was baptized, I "spent a communion, I was taught the doctrine in a long table of black walnut, has given me the first sweets in the small circle" Acli "by He created and gave me the "Pastine of POA" with jam inside, those in the fifties when we were missing almost all substances of an 'elemental power like that of sugar. I was taught to ring bells and to serve the Mass and to uphold the Rogazione. 
Then he left a diary published posthumously, and we discovered that the "our" pastor was among the "Righteous among the Nations". 
Then, as I am a polemical spirit, I must say that I arrived commemorations by local authorities, by some scholar of fashion and some celebration in common that I have learned, by chance, long after. So I could not participate even as the last spectator. They knew everything. And their ladies, dressed in the fashion of silk scarves, and air intellettualoide not seen the time to return to town. 
But they did not know when it was to take communion every Friday morning at my grandmother's infirmity, discussions of politics with my father (but how much human mutual esteem), the impulses of a priest when celebrating with us boys side, the Church in full history of water and when the azaleas in the yard of the Church in those hot summer evenings mitigate the wind that was "singing" the leaves of linden trees among which we saw the last rays of sun that went into hiding in Montagnola. And we boys dreamed of distant horizons and a better future. Scholars do not even know what was the big smile of Don Alfredo when he met some of us guys with short trousers, sandals of Alighiero and waistcoats to executives of raw wool hand made by her grandmother at bedtime. And you wore the Easter egg chicken colored school Berti Master taught us, along with Don Alfredo, to have hope and above all trying to live honestly. Then was the time of the days of "savings" and lengthy explanations sull'ONU that there appeared to be something good, to be appreciated, as the crush of her mother shortly before removed from the wood oven. 

Obviously, on return because our pastor is a great addition to Montagnola Nations. The story of the heroes 

"Time of Hate - Answer of Love" - Don Alfredo Braccagni priest in Ancaiano 
Edizioni Cantagalli Siena 

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